For a good 7 1/2 years I have been either pregnant and/or nursing a child which means I have not had a "good night's sleep" in that amount of time. I've learned to adapt to 4 hours or less of sleep a night, but for the past several weeks, my little one has not stay settled for longer than 30 minutes. Forget the wisdom of "sleep when your baby sleeps". When you have two other "babies" there is absolutely no down time. I can't even make up on sleep on the weekends b/c I work and/or we have family activities scheduled. I've done extremely well, if I do say so myself, on so very little sleep but it's finally starting to affect me. I've forgotten about bills until the last minute, phone calls aren't returned for several days, my house has become more than just a little cluttered and my intellect is not quite so sharp these days. Still, when anyone mentions letting her scream it out, I loudly protest. I do not complain during my nightly marathons - you can ask my husband whom I never wake up. My first two received my full attention during their night time battles and my third will as well. I remind myself in these wee hours of how grateful I am to hear that little cry and how blessed I am to be her mother. I mean I truly adore my kids and would sacrifice anything for them. I'm just hoping my baby girl figures out the whole sleep situation sooner than the boys did. I just got the 7 year old and the almost 4 year old to sleep through the night 2 weeks ago!
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