This week has left me very little time to do anything for "me", so to explain why I'm short on posts: I am attempting to portray Superwoman right now and I feel like I'm falling extremely short. I am back in steady part-time position with the college. In addition I hold a contract position and manage all of the household duties, including finances and with an infant that still has night-time nursing sessions I get by on very little sleep. Plus, I want to give each of my children quality time each day. My hubby helps out tremendously, but as we all know there are some things that only mommies can do.
I know I am doing what I need to for my family and I'm grateful that I don't have to put any of the kids in childcare. Still, is it selfish to feel so overwhelmed?!!? I've taken courses on time management, but sometimes there just isn't enough time to efficiently manage everything on my plate . . .
I know I am doing what I need to for my family and I'm grateful that I don't have to put any of the kids in childcare. Still, is it selfish to feel so overwhelmed?!!? I've taken courses on time management, but sometimes there just isn't enough time to efficiently manage everything on my plate . . .