The days following Christmas are always bittersweet. Yet again, the holidays have flown by and I'm shell-shocked. To make many long stories short (I won't bore you with the details of all our happenings): During the month of December we traveled to the mountains, took the kids to Disney on Ice, went out looking at lights on several occasions, had multiple parties to attend and cook for, contributed to several service projects, wrote what felt like a hundred Christmas cards, saw Santa three times (at the mall, the boy scouts ceremony and breakfast), visited a live Nativity, shopped with the crowds (one too many times), drank a gallon plus of Russian tea and a dozen batches of monster cookies (which I will be paying for later this week), attempted to organize the house for the new toy arrivals and most importantly, laughed and loved one another through it all.
My favorite part about Christmas is how kind and loving everyone becomes to one another. For a moment, it is as if time stops and we forget all our normal worries and frustrations and just focus on the magic of the season. Josh was off last week and it was so nice to just be together with no agenda. For the two days after Christmas we didn't leave our house or even get out of pajamas. It was very calming just to soak up every one's laughter and delight over Santa's surprises, play board games and card games, eat good food and have meaningful conversations.
Another thing I love about Christmas is attending the candlelight ceremony on Christmas Eve. There is something special when the candles are lit and "Silent Night" is sung. My hope is that we can all take a piece of Christmas with us throughout the new year by spreading Jesus' light and love wherever we may go.