Today is our little princess's very first birthday. We had a rocky start with a doctor's visit that entailed 5 shots AND a finger prick, but once we got through that I do believe Norah has had a great day. She got lots of goodies, including a tea set, a dollhouse and an outdoor swing (all pink I might add). She also got her first taste at cake with some yummy cupcakes. We are to celebrate again this weekend. Norah doesn't quite understand all the fuss, but she looked so beautiful in her dress today. I have to admit, it sure is great to dress up a little girl!
Backtrack to August 27, 2007 (Kaleb's 6th birthday). I had been having three days of late night heart palpitations, sweating and nausea. I thought I was having heart complications so I went to our family doctor, but under my breath I asked the nurse to do a pregnancy test, just in case. When the results came back positive I bawled. The nurse must have thought I was crazy. I was so terrified and not in all the "I'm a first parent" ways. I just wasn't prepared and when you are a planner, surprises are a bit difficult to absorb at first. I worried about each child not having his/her own bedroom in our three bedroom home. I worried about not being able to give each child the quality time that he/she deserved. I worried about college funds. I worried about the fact that I had sold all baby clothes, equipment and maternity clothes and would have to start fresh. I worried about the interview I had just accepted for a part-time position that might eventually work into full-time. I worried about the panic attacks that were already bad enough when I had to leave two children to work and could only be more brutal when I added a third. I worried about morning sickness which got me good with my second and could only intensify. I worried about having the strength to endure a third natural childbirth. I worried about how I was going to do it all, but most of all I worried that if I had been blessed with two healthy children already, what if my third was not? What if I had already received more than my fair lot in life?
We found out it was to be a girl at my 18 week ultrasound. Josh and I both expected a boy. I even wore blue I was so sure of the outcome. I made three different doctors come in and give their opinion. They even blew up the picture of her private area and wrote "it's a girl" on the sonogram I was so sure they would be wrong. We both had tears as we looked at one another incredulously. Who would have thought we would add a girl to our wild and rowdy mix? I continued to be worried about her health so we did every in-utero test out there to test for any possible defects. She was perfect and when I held her in my arms at 12:17 a.m. on April 20, 2008 for the very first time, I finally knew that not only did I really, truly have a little girl, but that God could not have molded us a more perfect and wonderful angel (other than the two he had already blessed us with, of course).
I have learned so much from Norah, from how God works in mysterious ways to just trusting in His plan and letting go of my own control issues. Norah is such a blessing. She is sugar and spice and everything nice, but heavy on the spice. She does not like to be ignored and when her brothers get too loud, she will not hesitate to pull hair and scream to get them to back off. She dances when she hears music and holds her hand out to you as if you are to kiss it, which of course we do. She loves to be held, but demands her space when needed (gets that from me I'm sure). She gives sweet baby kisses and crinkles her nose. She is very cautious around strangers. Take for example this past weekend when we got her pictures made. She was not having any of the photographers moronic methods to get her to laugh. Really, strangers shoving rubber ducks and talking in high-pitched, inhuman voices is not a laughing matter so who can blame her for trying to get away from them as quickly as possible.
I adore my little girl. I have a wedding dress packed away should she one day (in the very far off future, after she acquires her doctorate) be into vintage. I savor her kisses and dimples and the way her brothers dote on her every "first". I love seeing her daddy tear up over sad country songs about fathers and daughters. I love shopping for dresses for her to wear. I even love her middle of the night needs because I get her all to myself. I love that I value myself more now than ever because I realize how Norah will look to me for guidance in her life (until the teenage years when I fear I will become her mortal enemy . . . ).
Happy Birthday to our sweet and sassy angel. Norah, you have no idea how truly special you are. Our family is perfectly complete.