Friday, March 20, 2009

Education Woes: Part One

I am constantly up in arms over the educational system. I feel like teachers are underpaid and underappreciated without doubt, but I also feel some of them are just not the compassionate leaders I would expect they should be. Case in point, I noticed that Kaleb had been coming home and running to the restroom the minute he got in the door. I joked that he was acting as if he hadn't used the restroom all day and he said he doesn't anymore because some boys had dripped on the lid and his teacher was fussing at all of the boys about it. So, to avoid "being involved in that mess" he has been holding it all day. Of course I relayed this concern to his teacher who said she had gotten on to the boys because of "repeated offenses", but she would make sure Kaleb knew he could use the restroom. What boy, or man for that matter, doesn't miss the mark from time to time??? Get a piece of tissue and deal with it.

I often fantasize about home-schooling. My kids are very hands on and active and I don't feel like sitting at a desk doing worksheets is to their advantage. We go on nature walks often and they are so interested in the whats, hows and whys of all the elements. Myles didn't attend preschool this year and to be honest, I believe it was to his advantage. Still, since I'd have to continue at least a part-time outside job, I don't think pulling together lesson plans would be feasible for me. I'm beginning to see that I have limitations. I know, it's a shocker for everyone around me too it seems!

It's hard not to be able to pick your teachers each year. I feel like students thrive with complimentary personality types. I can remember having teachers I didn't care for and I wonder if my own parents felt the same emotional aches for me that I now feel for my children. As a parent now, I cringe when I hear things like Kaleb not using the restroom or his teacher joking about the way he pronounces words. I feel like these things can impact his self-esteem and even his own outlook on education. I remember being in the second grade and being sent to the Principal's office for not putting my bag on the hook quickly enough. Mind you, I was patiently allowing everyone else to put their stuff down instead of cutting in line . . . Sometimes adults just don't see things through a little person's eyes.