On this day four years ago, we were blessed with the birth of our second child and baby boy, Myles. It was a very special day, especially as Josh's grandfather passed barely one hour before Myles made his entry into the world thus perfectly illustrating the circle of life. We have had a wonderful several days celebrating - at our house birthdays turn into more of a week-long event with the different sets of grandparents and work schedules. Sunday we had the "fake birthday" as Kaleb has so eloquently dubbed it which consisted of a trip to Chuck E. Cheese's for lunch and games. After that we headed over to Nana's house for cake, ice cream and PRESENTS! You wouldn't think there would be a single toy left he would want after Christmas, but he scored big time yet again. The biggest hit has been the Imaginext Firehouse. Today is Myles' actual birthday and he went for a birthday haircut and a free-for-all through the grocery store where I'm happy to report he picked out apples, grapes and strawberries so we could make a fruit salad! Nana rented him some batman movies to watch this week and when Daddy got home, they got to eat cake (again) and play on the Wii Fit (which was a big deal, since Mommy has been hogging it since she got it last week). He also received several electronic e-mails and even a phone call from Geoffrey at Toys R Us. Daddy also special ordered Mr. Freeze for his batcave which has excited him to no end. He'll have another party this weekend when Grandma and Grandpa visit.
Myles is my exuberant child - ready to crash and bash his way through the day from sun-up until sun-down. He is physically active to the point of my own sheer exhaustion. He likes to push buttons, especially those of his older brother. When he was 8 months old, he discovered a way to get past the protective guard on the stairs and fell several feet, he got stitches when he was 3 years old as a result of jumping on the couch and not a day goes by when he doesn't get at least one "boo-boo". In fact, he was spinning round and round in the kitchen right before I left for work and fell backwards on his head. My heart use to stop several times a day from his antics, but I've learned to hold my breath and let him test his limits in designated spaces and hold his hand tightly in unsecure ones (i.e. parking lots where he tries to run freely). With all that said, he is also my snuggle bug, eager to hug me when he beats me (repeatedly) at Wii tennis or boxing, tell me how pretty I look or smell when I'm getting ready, help me carry groceries in or make his bed without complaint (though it often looks worse after he makes it than it did before) and share his toys with friends or his siblings (he even gave some of his birthday presents to Kaleb!). When I'm doing a hundred things during the day, he reminds me to take time for him and just sit beside him. I am so grateful for Myles - he truly lives in the moment and delights in the simple things like making loud noises and mud pies, climbing trees and jumping here, there and everywhere. He loves good stories, likes to eat constantly and hates clothing. In fact, more often than not he stays in his pajamas, even when he's out in public! He sleeps deeply and peacefully and dreams big. I adore him so much that when it turned out he couldn't go to preschool this year, I was thrilled because I wanted him all to myself for one more year.
Happy Birthday my Myles. How I love you monkey 2.
Myles is my exuberant child - ready to crash and bash his way through the day from sun-up until sun-down. He is physically active to the point of my own sheer exhaustion. He likes to push buttons, especially those of his older brother. When he was 8 months old, he discovered a way to get past the protective guard on the stairs and fell several feet, he got stitches when he was 3 years old as a result of jumping on the couch and not a day goes by when he doesn't get at least one "boo-boo". In fact, he was spinning round and round in the kitchen right before I left for work and fell backwards on his head. My heart use to stop several times a day from his antics, but I've learned to hold my breath and let him test his limits in designated spaces and hold his hand tightly in unsecure ones (i.e. parking lots where he tries to run freely). With all that said, he is also my snuggle bug, eager to hug me when he beats me (repeatedly) at Wii tennis or boxing, tell me how pretty I look or smell when I'm getting ready, help me carry groceries in or make his bed without complaint (though it often looks worse after he makes it than it did before) and share his toys with friends or his siblings (he even gave some of his birthday presents to Kaleb!). When I'm doing a hundred things during the day, he reminds me to take time for him and just sit beside him. I am so grateful for Myles - he truly lives in the moment and delights in the simple things like making loud noises and mud pies, climbing trees and jumping here, there and everywhere. He loves good stories, likes to eat constantly and hates clothing. In fact, more often than not he stays in his pajamas, even when he's out in public! He sleeps deeply and peacefully and dreams big. I adore him so much that when it turned out he couldn't go to preschool this year, I was thrilled because I wanted him all to myself for one more year.
Happy Birthday my Myles. How I love you monkey 2.